Thursday, March 31, 2011

Blindfolded Judgement

The Government has such egregious judgements on where to cut spending, they never seem to cut from programs that aren't prudent, they almost always cut programs that help the poor. I read in the New York Times that there was recently a house budget bill called the H.R.1. which proposes that the WIC program, which helps women, infants and children in international food and health, be cut off. Which will hurt or kill 18 million people, these people are going to suffer from the loss of food and medicine...But don't worry the government is cutting spending...yeah right, which is more important lives or money?
         The worst thing is that cutting this program along with other programs is not even going to scratch the surface of the deficit we the United States is in right now. I just don't get why the government would cut these programs where its going to cost more live than save money. Government jobs are way overpaid, they should get a cut on salaries, to see how they feel when money is cut from themselves only then will they be able to realize what they are doing to millions of hungry people that depend on this program to stay alive. This bill also increases defense spending, I understand we need defenses but we are wasting billions of dollars in weapons that don't work well or don't work at all. If anything they should cut from defense spending. Taxes is another big ordeal in which the tax rate on nation's richest people have dropped about half in the last 20 years, and the biggest shock that I read in this article was that General Electric didn't pay any taxes on their $14 billion profits, thats just ridiculous, I don't know to much about taxing, but the one thing I do know is that I get taxed when I get my paycheck, and if $14 billion is General Electric's paycheck they should too get taxed like the rest of Americans.
        What I am trying to say is that the government needs to be fair, and not just pick and choose which companies pay taxes and which don't, and when it comes to cutting programs be wise in the decisions they make, to see the benefits and the consequences that may lie in the future by making these decisions. The government needs to open their eyes and see what they are doing and what they are not doing.

1 comment:

Jose Resendez said...

I agree with absolutely everything you say in your post. The government has been disconnected with the average citizens for many years, and now the connection is at an all time low. It's really sad to see just how much they don't care about our less fortunate citizens. My mother, who was single while I was growing up, really depended upon WIC to cover the little things, so I can relate to what's going on. I mean, cutting down on health care programs and NOT taxing multi-billion dollar corporations? It's no wonder we're in a 15 trillion dollar debt! Could you imagine what just a mandatory 5% tax on every company that operates in America could do for this country? Certainly much more than the 20% they're taxing the average citizen!

The rich can stand to be taxed too, but they're finding ways to pay off congressmen to lower taxes (see the irony?). I see no problem with cutting government paychecks either, because they really are getting paid too much to sit in an office and gripe every time you call them (looking at you, Texas State Board of Pharmacy). And about that defense spending, we are spending over $600 billion for defense according to the 2010 budget, which is more than any other country's spending, and really all that's doing is making us look big and scary. Ooooh! We can definitely cut from that, because like you said, we spend money on things that don't work well or don't work at all.

It's really a shame more people don't have this mentality about our country's budget, because the world would be a much better place if we all did.