Thursday, April 28, 2011


The government has no idea how much time they have wasted and are wasting with pointless media coverage. This country is already in so much trouble, but if it keeps heading in this direction where covering weddings that don't even matter are more important than how to solve the problems that we are facing we are going to keep falling and are going to be thought of as a joke. No other country is going to come to us if they need help if we are distracted by a wedding and a birth certificate.
      Another problem is the birth certificate that our President could have showed the public a long time ago, but instead he wanted Donald Trump to get attention so may split the republican party and get more votes for himself in the next election. And for Trump this was in favor for himself as well, he is running for president in the next election and needs more attention for himself so he may get more votes, and he can by saying he is the only one who got the President to give him a birth certificate, and saying to the american people "I have done a great service". All of this attention is all selfishness acts of both President Barrack Obama and Donald Trump to win them votes in the upcoming election, and no attention on how to help this government out of debt. But Donald Trump had a good point in this article i read in the latimes that one of the reasons this country is in such a big debt is that we nearly don't produce anything, we always have to go to china for our main source of products, Trump says he wants to buy from the United States but half of the stuff he wants to buy is from china and not from the United States.
      The Government needs to regulate and find how to overcome these issues instead of thinking of the upcoming election...where tomorrow has its own worries,  the government needs to get focused and fight these real problems before they get worst and this country ends up being owned by China. Our future kids are already going to be paying for the actions that this government is doing or not doing.


Anonymous said...

I agree with everything said in this piece. But the part I will be focusing on is how the media focuses it's attention on unimportant things. I do agree on this, but you got to remember that the media does this for a reason, because if they didn't, how many people do you think would watch the news then? Im not saying that this is right, because it's not. I feel the people should know what they deserve to know. It's all a game to the Government it seems. And you are right they are very selfish, it's sad to say but they only think of themselves; "We The People" my butt. I don't think the government truly cares about us.

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Vinh said...

My response to your post